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Insider announces Sirius AI™, the world’s most comprehensive Generative AI solution for CX, making marketing teams 60% more productive


Insider announced the launch of Sirius AI™, the world’s most comprehensive, patent-pending, Generative AI solution for customer experience that combines the power of large language models and machine learning—to make marketing teams 60% more productive and drive new levels of growth.

With Sirius AI™ , marketers can build targeted segments in a fraction of the time, orchestrate connected customer journeys based on preferred outcomes in seconds, generate copy automatically, and enable two-way conversations on autopilot. Sirius AI™  solves marketers’ biggest frustrations, which decelerates business growth and revenue. Sirius AI™ removes weeks of manual effort and eliminates guesswork at every level of customer experience creation.

“Being an industry leader in the marketing technology space requires us to develop industry-leading solutions that solve marketers’ greatest challenges —before they even arise. I am thrilled to announce the launch of Sirius AI™ – the world’s most comprehensive and end-to-end Generative AI solution for CX,” said Hande Cilingir, Co-Founder & CEO at Insider. “For many brands, achieving true personalization – a totally unique experience per person – remains a challenge. This is largely caused by unmanageable workloads and manual effort required to launch programs. Our patent-pending Generative AI solutions are designed to make marketing teams more productive and efficient while helping them reach new levels of growth with high-performing customer experiences.”

Sirius AI™ helps marketers launch faster with supercharged productivity

Sirius AI™ intelligently automates tasks such as segmentation, journey development, content creation, and optimization to achieve the desired outcome. This consolidated approach ensures the creation of seamless, safe, connected, high-performing experiences, significantly cutting down the time required to create, launch, test, and optimize marketing campaigns—from weeks or months to mere minutes.

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Create  ready-to-use segments 30X faster with AI-powered segment creation

Sirius AI™ helps brands build profitable audience segments for cross-channel customer experiences 30X faster. Segments are auto-generated with Generative AI based on the prompt given by the marketer.

Marketers can input their use case and expected outcome to create profitable segments in seconds. The use cases can range from cross-selling, replenishment reminders, converting first-time buyers into repeat customers, or driving product discovery, while expected outcomes could include driving repeat purchases, generating higher CLTV, increasing AOV, and more.

A simple prompt like “Show me an audience to maximize conversions and increase AOV” would produce a pre-populated segment based on complex rules and variables such as CLTV, likelihood to purchase, purchased products with higher AOV, and more. The outcome is a ready-to-use segment that can be saved and passed on to the journey orchestration step or used elsewhere.

Remove the guesswork and create cross-channel customer journeys at the click of a button

Sirius AI™ removes complexity, alleviating marketers of repetitive and manual work. Instead, journeys are auto-generated, powered by unified data, machine learning, and generative AI. These journeys are accurate and efficient while ensuring the delivery of the right message to the right user at the right time. Additionally, Sirius AI™ adds value to manual journey orchestrations by adding inputs like automatic starter elements and auto-complete journeys based on prompts to ensure the highest efficiency.

For example, a marketer wants to promote a new product launch to VIP customers to ensure maximum product discovery and conversion. With Sirius AI™, all they need to do is draft a quick prompt, such as “Design a cross-channel journey for VIP customers for a launch to result in the highest product discovery and conversion“.

Sirius AI™ then looks at customer data and preferences to design a ready-to-use journey with the right starter element, wait time, and channel mix to help meet their objective.

Generate compelling content that inspires action automatically

Marketers can create click-worthy email subject lines and engaging campaign content for their campaigns, with a simple prompt like “generate a message to re-engage VIP users with an urgent tone”. These messages are automatically customized to the channel and required outcome.

Prompts can include information about use cases, CTAs, the use of emojis, and more. Crucially, marketers can also give instructions on tone of voice, and ensure that messages are within brand guidelines. Marketers can enter a prompt like “Craft a WhatsApp message for holiday promotions to create urgency” to receive an output that includes promotions with discounts valid for the next 24 hours with a provision to add dynamic content to make it even more personalized.

Sirius AI™ also includes a content scoring capability for messages that are handcrafted, helping marketers understand the performance of their campaigns before launching. Marketers can leverage alternatives that are suggested by Sirius AI™ to improve the message quality.

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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