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Socure Launches the Industry’s Most Accurate Synthetic Fraud Solution


Sigma Synthetic Fraud v4 Includes “Proof of Life” Data Sources, Adding a New Level of Accuracy that Stops the Fraud Before it Can Enter the Digital Economy

Socure, the leading provider of Artificial Intelligence for digital identity verification, fraud prevention, and sanctions screening has launched Sigma Synthetic Fraud v4. The product uses advanced machine learning and diverse, third-party and network feedback data to uncover patterns linked to insidious synthetic identity fraud. The Deloitte Center for Financial Services expects synthetic identity fraud to generate at least $23 billion in losses by 2030.

Synthetic identity fraud is a financial crime where a real person’s information is stolen and combined with other falsified personal information to create a fictitious identity, further used for fraudulent purposes. After a perpetrator opens an account using the synthetic identity, they typically build up a positive credit score, open multiple accounts, and often appear to be good customers while going undetected until they decide to cash in, or “bust out” by using up all available credit lines and disappearing.

Socure accurately detects and stops synthetic fraud at onboarding before the fraudster can act nefariously in the financial ecosystem. According to a comprehensive study, Socure estimates that synthetics make up 1-3% of open accounts at U.S. financial institutions.

Sigma Synthetic Fraud v4 draws from diverse “Proof of Life” data sources including property records, driver’s licenses, and educational data adding a new dimension of accuracy so organizations can confidently verify younger and immigrant demographics with a limited digital footprint. Without these types of proof of life data sources, these segments of the population may otherwise appear to be synthetic fraudsters and be shut out of the financial ecosystem.

“Synthetic fraud cannot be accurately detected with rules-based systems or third-party fraud solutions,” said Yigit Yildirim, SVP, Fraud and Risk Products at Socure. “Socure’s AI engine analyzes anomalies to uncover multiplex synthetic-specific features that distinguish legitimate thin-file consumers from synthetic fraudsters with high accuracy in real-time — and without causing friction for good users.”

Synthetic identity fraud occurs when criminals blend genuine and falsified information to create new, fictitious identities to fraudulently apply for loans, credit, government benefits, or move illicit funds. As fraudsters’ AI-supported schemes become more sophisticated, differentiating malicious synthetic behavior from that of good consumers is more tangled than ever and has made it the fastest-growing form of financial crime in the United States. Per incident, synthetic fraud can cost 10 times more than third-party identity fraud. The “profit” per synthetic fraud opportunity is much higher, such as with benefits fraud, P2P fraud scams, or romance swindling.

The threat is further complicated by the spread of “money mules.” Money mules transfer or move illegally acquired funds to make tracing harder, often using fake identities to avoid detection. In the past, money mules were real people. But now, bad actors in transnational organized crime rings who need to launder millions of dollars create synthetic identities to make money mules they control to facilitate moving illegal money.

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The largest enterprises and government agencies stop synthetic identity fraud with Socure’s multi-layered, best-in-class approach which correlates PII, events, and behaviors across businesses and locations using real-time and historical data, velocity intelligence, entity resolution, and link analysis.

Sigma Synthetic Fraud v4 enhancements include:

Socure’s Sigma Fraud Suite, including add-on device intelligence and behavioral analytics, is the industry’s most accurate identity fraud solution for solving vastly different third-party and synthetic identity fraud utilizing comprehensive network feedback, velocity intelligence, link analysis, entity resolution, and state-of-the-art machine learning.

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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