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VAST Data to Unleash the Potential of AI-Automated Discovery with Next-Generation Infrastructure


VAST Data, the data platform company for the AI era announced the company’s groundbreaking approach to continuous AI computing and the future of AI-based discovery will be revealed at Build Beyond, a global/virtual event hosted by VAST.

Realizing the vision set at the company’s inception, VAST is expanding beyond its storage foundation to unlock the true promise of intelligent AI-based systems. Upending decades of industry norms and transforming what organizations are able to do with their data, VAST will unveil its latest innovation, enabling data-driven AI systems to analyze, react and learn from data at a global scale.

The event is headlined by the globally renowned AI Researcher and Physicist, Max Tegmark, Ph.D. – who will sit down with Renen Hallak, CEO at VAST Data to offer his perspective on the future of AI. Throughout this conversation, Max and Renen discuss the opportunity for amplifying human intelligence with artificial intelligence to solve some of society’s most pressing problems, and the criticality of data for building intelligent systems that can accelerate the process of discovery.

At Build Beyond, attendees will also hear from VAST leadership and honored guest speakers that can speak to how VAST is enabling organizations to power their AI journeys, including:

“When we founded VAST in 2016, our vision was always to create an infrastructure that laid the foundation for advanced, generally intelligent AI systems,” said Renen Hallak, CEO at VAST Data. “We needed to build something from the ground up that put data at the center of how systems think, react and discover, making it possible for organizations to solve their most pressing data challenges. On August 1st, we will build on that foundation of innovation and announce the company’s next chapter with the launch of the VAST Data Platform.”

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