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Rootstock Debuts AIRS™: Cutting-Edge AI for Manufacturers

Rootstock Software

Rootstock Software, a recognized leader in the Manufacturing ERP space, is thrilled to announce the launch of AIRS. Short for “Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Rootstock (RS),” this revolutionary AI-based solution designed to transform manufacturing decisions was unveiled at the Rooted-In Manufacturing Conference in New Orleans. AIRS marks a significant leap forward in harnessing data from the Signal Chain for predictive and generative AI power in decisioning.

Traditionally, a key challenge has been capturing and utilizing signals from across manufacturing —from demand and supply to production capacity—especially since the industry has lagged in digital maturity. The disjointed and siloed nature of existing systems has made it difficult for manufacturers to realize the full potential of Industry 4.0 technologies—such as big data and analytics, cloud computing, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Recognizing this challenge, Rootstock launched AIRS. Built on Salesforce Einstein 1 Platform, AIRS leverages Rootstock’s unique ERP dataset—including order, supply, financial, and production data. This dataset is collected from across the Signal Chain—from CRM, SCM, PLM, IoT platforms and other systems. As a result, AIRS enables a complete Signal Chain Decisioning Platform, as it bridges the physical and digital worlds and enables smart, autonomous decisions that will redefine manufacturing innovation.

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“AIRS is not just another AI tool; it’s AI that truly matters to manufacturers,” said Raj Badarinath, Chief Product & Marketing Officer at Rootstock Software. “This product represents the culmination of our vision for a fully connected Signal Chain Decisioning Platform, serving as an AI savant that guides and augments our own decisioning abilities. With AIRS providing predictive insights, manufacturers can foresee risks and opportunities across their organization. And in response to continually incoming signals, AIRS can recalculate projections and enable dynamic adjustments to order-to-cash, procure-to-pay, and plan-to-produce processes. As a result, it has the power to significantly enhance decisions in every facet of manufacturing operations.”

AIRS will leverage both predictive and generative AI in transformative use cases, including:

“With these manufacturing-specific applications, AIRS will be central to driving a comprehensive Signal Chain Decisioning Platform,” said Badarinath. “It represents a significant step toward building agile manufacturing that can withstand continued volatility and disruptions. By leveraging Salesforce’s Einstein 1 Platform, we’re reimagining what’s possible, setting new standards for supply chain resilience, customer satisfaction, and profitability in the sector.”

SOURCE: BusinessWire

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