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FluidAI Medical Teams Up with Medtronic for Remote Monitoring via DIGITAL’s Continuous Connected Patient Care Project

FluidAI Medical

FluidAI Medical, a leading artificial intelligence (AI) startup and developer of the Stream™ Platform for post-surgical monitoring, has announced a strategic partnership with Medtronic Canada ULC, a prominent subsidiary of the global healthcare technology company, Medtronic PLC. Together, they are working to revolutionize Canadian healthcare through the Continuous Connected Patient Care (CCPC) project under Canada’s Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies, known as DIGITAL.

Hospitalized patients, particularly those with serious complications, often remain in the hospital longer than necessary after their condition has stabilized. This extended stay is mainly for continued monitoring during their recovery. Hospital care can average between $1,000-2,000 per patient daily[1], utilizing resources like hospital beds, equipment, and healthcare workers’ time, potentially reducing a hospital’s capacity for new patients.

The CCPC project aims to allow patients to continue their care at home after discharge through the development of new predictive analytics, AI, and home monitoring technology that integrates with current medical systems for uninterrupted care from hospital to home.

Medtronic leads the CCPC project in partnership with a consortium of Canadian healthcare and technology leaders that includes Cloud DX, Excelar Technologies, Providence Health Care’s St. Paul’s Hospital, Providence Health Care Ventures, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Bridge Health Solutions (BHS), StarFish Medical (as a Medtronic sub-contractor), and most recently, FluidAI. Every consortium member contributes a distinct and essential element to build the integrated monitoring system.

“As healthcare delivery and patient needs change, it is important that we continue to evolve how we and our partners provide tools and support for our clinicians. Collaboration is key to develop new patient-centric solutions and augment our clinicians with personalized care for their patients.” – Rick Sethi, R&D Director, Open Innovation and R&T at Medtronic.

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Medtronic is exploring new technologies and leveraging a novel clinical-grade medical device. In parallel, FluidAI will enhance its current platform offering to enable at-home patient use, expand functionality to collaborate with the Medtronic device and develop a cloud platform to enable use of their platform in a remote patient monitoring setting and integrate with the consortium partner offerings.

Bridge Health Solutions will enhance its medication dispensing, tracking, and adherence monitoring solution. Excelar Technologies will improve its clinical data normalization module by incorporating remote patient monitoring and medication adherence tracking and enhancing its data visualization tools. Providence Health Care (PHC) and PHC Ventures are responsible for providing workflow, needs, patient and clinical requirements, validating and collaborating on the design and development of the final solution, data integration and governance. Clinicians from PHC’s St. Paul’s Hospital and Hamilton Health Sciences will conduct clinical trials and contribute by shaping the requirement specifications and designing the process.

Simon Fraser University (SFU) will gather input on user needs to guide the creation of the technology, clinical decision support framework, and user interfaces. Cloud DX will provide a secure, ISO-certified solution that features sophisticated tools for patient engagement and a clinician portal capable of safely monitoring thousands of patients. Finally, the project is supported by a $5.2M co-investment from DIGITAL, Canada’s Global Innovation Cluster for digital technologies.

Ensuring the success and credibility of this initiative, the CCPC project team has incorporated a comprehensive testing and evaluation blueprint developed in collaboration with patients, families, clinicians, and industry experts. Their collective expertise will underpin the proof of the platform’s efficacy and applicability.

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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