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D-Fend Solutions Upgrades EnforceAir2 C-UAS with User Interface Enhancements, AI-based Mitigation Engine, and New “Disrupted” Environments Mode


Software update augments proven counter-drone technology with expanded detection and mitigation coverage, upgraded naval vessel deployment capabilities, and support for more drones

D-Fend Solutions, the leader in field-proven radio frequency (RF), cyber-based, non-kinetic, non-jamming, counter-drone takeover technology, announced the release of EnforceAir2 version 24.04.2, which includes all upgrades to the system released since the launch of the product last year. This new software version comprises major upgrades to its award-winning capabilities and builds upon its proven C-UAS power, performance, portability, and range.

Version 24.04.2 of EnforceAir2 includes a range of refined improvements that have been rolled out so far this year, including new user interface (UI) features, expanded detection and mitigation coverage, and enhanced capabilities for deployment on naval vessels.

UI Enhancements:
EnforceAir2’s user interface now offers:
Upgraded API:
Application Programming Interface (API) upgrades include:

Also Read: Skylark Labs Demonstrates Cutting-Edge Counter-UAS System to DOD Stakeholders

Enhanced Naval Vessel Deployment Capabilities:
Updates for EnforceAir2 naval deployments include:
Disrupted GNSS Mode:
The system now provides:

In addition to these software enhancements, D-Fend Solutions has significantly expanded EnforceAir2’s detection and mitigation drone coverage with the inclusion of many additional drone models.

“Given the rapid advances in drone and UAS technology we see across the globe, it’s important that EnforceAir2 equips our customers with the most advanced counter UAS capabilities possible while maintaining the simplicity of operation,” said Yaniv Benbenisti, President and Chief Product Officer at D-Fend Solutions. “Breakthrough innovations, such as the AI-based mitigation engine and disrupted GNSS environment mode, bring significant advantages to safely protect against the threats posed by maliciously or irresponsibly piloted commercially-available drones and custom-built drones.”

Source: PRNewswire

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