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SurrealDB 2.0: Next-Gen Database for Developers & Enterprises


Powerful new features introduce advanced stability, performance, security and data management capabilities to build enterprise-ready applications

SurrealDB, the ultimate multi-model database, announced the release of SurrealDB 2.0, with new advancements in stability, performance, security and data management capabilities to build powerful, efficient and secure applications. This latest release represents a major leap forward in database technology, with SurrealDB 2.0 specifically engineered to empower developers to build complex real-time applications faster, more cost-effectively, and at scale—across teams, data volumes, and diverse use cases.

“As enterprises continue to adopt cloud-native architectures, manage increasingly large and complex datasets, and navigate the challenges of intricate back-end systems, distributed databases are critical for managing data effectively,” said CEO and co-founder, Tobie Morgan Hitchcock. “With SurrealDB 2.0, we provide developers with a future-ready tool needed to build powerful, efficient and secure applications at scale while significantly reducing infrastructure complexity.”

With SurrealDB 2.0, organizations now have access to a database platform built to support modern enterprises with consistent performance across all database operations, ensuring stability and reliability for enterprise-level applications. SurrealDB has rebuilt its SurrealQL parser to be faster, light weight and more resilient, significantly enhancing memory handling while supporting deep recursive queries and providing a more robust transaction layer with advanced caching.

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Additionally, a new comprehensive and adaptable security framework introduces greater control of user authentication, session management and use of third-party authentication providers, to ensure secure databases by default without sacrificing customization for specific security needs. This, paired with new features such as JWT and token-based authentication along with new sanitation functions, helps to safeguard data against common vulnerabilities and ensures data is protected in all scenarios within a more interconnected infrastructure.

SurrealDB 2.0 also introduces several new features, including:

Source: Businesswire

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