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Redpanda Adds AI & Cloud to Connect, Reveals R1 Engine


Expanded AI connectivity with Cloud availability, new Apache Iceberg Topics, and Redpanda R1 Engine paves the path to simplify building data-intensive applications for AI and analytics

Redpanda, the all-in-one streaming data platform, announced new bolstered AI integrations available within Redpanda Connect. It now offers more than 100 cloud-based managed connectors and stream processors, including connectors for AI services like OpenAI, Vertex AI, and AWS Bedrock, a Sovereign AI connector for Ollama, and connectors for vector databases like Pinecone and Qdrant. Redpanda Connect also now offers GPU clusters on GCP for high-performance AI workloads. The new AI connectors are available on all major cloud providers: AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.

“Redpanda has consistently exceeded our expectations,” said Arya Ketan, Senior Principal Engineer at ShareChat. “As a long-time user of Redpanda Connect from before it was acquired earlier this year, we are incredibly excited about the new capabilities and value Redpanda has added in such a short time. Redpanda was already saving us millions of USD annually, but bringing these connectors to the cloud will save our data teams significantly in time and resources by ensuring an instant and seamless experience.”

This launch also unveiled the vision for a single unified engine called Redpanda R1, a multimodal streaming engine with flexible topics that can meet the diverse latency, storage, durability, and security access requirements of today’s streaming data applications.

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“The data streaming market is rapidly evolving to support the diversity of data-intensive applications, especially connecting modern AI systems with cloud-native tools,” said Alex Gallego, founder and CEO of Redpanda. “We are committed to helping developers simplify how they build real-time applications by unveiling our vision for Redpanda R1. Unlike complex disjointed alternatives, we want developers to experience a unified product with topic-level flexibility that can deliver any latency, durability, or connectivity requirement in a single engine.”

In addition to the launch of Redpanda Connect on the cloud, Redpanda announced:

Source: Businesswire

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