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MongoDB Announces General Availability of New Capabilities to Power Next-Generation Applications


MongoDB Atlas Vector Search dramatically simplifies securely building real-time generative AI applications to create highly accurate and personalized end-user experiences

MongoDB, Inc. announced the general availability of MongoDB Atlas Vector Search and MongoDB Atlas Search Nodes to make it faster and easier for organizations to securely build, deploy, and scale next-generation applications at less cost. MongoDB Atlas Vector Search simplifies bringing generative AI and semantic search capabilities into real-time applications for highly engaging and customized end-user experiences using an organization’s operational data. MongoDB Atlas Search Nodes provide dedicated infrastructure for applications that use generative AI and relevance-based search to scale workloads independent of the database and manage high-throughput use cases with greater flexibility, performance, and efficiency. Together, these capabilities on MongoDB Atlas provide organizations with the required foundation to seamlessly build, deploy, and scale applications that take advantage of generative AI and robust search capabilities with greater operational efficiency and ease of use.

“Customers of all sizes from startups to large enterprises around the world tell us they want to take advantage of generative AI and relevance-based search to build next-generation applications that reimagine how businesses find ways to deeply personalize engagement with their customers, drive increased efficiency through automation, and propel new product development. But these customers know that complexity is the enemy of speed, and the choice of a database is fundamental to ensuring not just the success of an application but also how fast it can be built, deployed, and continually updated with the flexibility and scale needed to meet shifting end-user demands,” said Sahir Azam, Chief Product Officer at MongoDB. “With the general availability of MongoDB Atlas Vector Search and MongoDB Atlas Search Nodes, we’re making it even easier for customers to use a unified, fully managed developer data platform to seamlessly build, deploy, and scale modern applications and provide end users with the types of personalized, AI-powered experiences that save them time and keep them engaged.”

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As the use of MongoDB Atlas as an integrated developer data platform has rapidly grown, and more customers want to take advantage of generative AI, they have asked for more even integrated capabilities to meet the shifting demands of their businesses and end users—and MongoDB is meeting that demand:

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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