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MongoDB Announces Four New AI-Powered Capabilities to Improve Developer Productivity and Accelerate Application Modernization


MongoDB Relational Migrator now converts SQL to MongoDB Query API syntax using AI to further automate migrations from relational databases

MongoDB, MongoDB.local London announced new intelligent developer experiences that use generative AI to help developers more quickly and easily build applications on MongoDB—the world’s most popular document-based data platform that millions of developers and tens of thousands of customers rely on for their business-critical applications. The new generative AI features in MongoDB Relational Migrator, MongoDB Compass, MongoDB Atlas Charts, and MongoDB Documentation reduce the time and effort developers spend on undifferentiated tasks and allow them to instead focus on hard-to-solve problems and building modern applications.

“Generative AI is creating new opportunities for developers to build better applications. By automating repetitive tasks, AI-powered tools and features can help developers save significant time and effort and deliver higher-quality applications faster,” said Sahir Azam, Chief Product Officer at MongoDB. “By integrating AI-powered features into MongoDB products and services that millions of developers use everyday, we’re empowering developers to reduce time spent on lower-value tasks so they can focus on the things that matter the most to them and their organizations—building and shipping modern applications that end users love.”

Organizations today face growing demands from customers to build highly engaging applications that can react in real time to shifting demands and ever-changing data. Developers building these applications choose MongoDB because of its flexibility, scalability, and resilience. However, developers often spend a lot of time and effort creating queries and aggregations that help data-driven applications run effectively, generating visualizations from operational data to uncover insights and inform decision making, and troubleshooting unexpected database and application behavior. While important, these often undifferentiated tasks require significant developer resources that could be better spent on prototyping, shipping new features, and creating innovative end-user experiences.

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The new set of generative AI capabilities now offered in MongoDB Relational Migrator, MongoDB Compass, MongoDB Atlas Charts, and MongoDB Documentation help remove much of the heavy lifting of application development and modernization:

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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