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Stellar Cyber’s Multi-Layer AI™ Automates SecOps

Stellar Cyber

AI Breakthrough Slashes Threat Detection and Response Time by Orders of Magnitude to Supercharge Analysts’ Efficiency and Reduce Risks and Costs

Stellar Cyber, the most open, automation-driven security operations platform powered by Open XDR, is introducing Multi-Layer AI™. Multi-Layer AI incorporates four distinct technologies – Machine Learning (ML), Graph ML, Generative AI, and Hyper Automation – all in a single unified platform that reduces threat detection and response time.

Multi-Layer AI extends Stellar Cyber’s long-time AI leadership in the cybersecurity solutions market. The company pioneered the use of AI in a SecOps platform with the debut of its Open XDR platform in 2018. This new approach leverages AI at multiple steps in the detection, correlation and response process to reduce alert volume, prioritize and correlate threats, counsel analysts, and respond automatically.

How Multi-Layer AI Improves Security

Managing torrents of data from dozens of cybersecurity tools takes a lot of time, which is why most major data breaches have taken months to discover. Successfully responding to cybersecurity attacks is about visibility combined with the ability to act on it quickly. The only way to gain visibility is by collecting data from the entire attack surface, including:

Each security tool stores data in its own format. In the Stellar Cyber platform, the data is automatically transformed through normalization into a single format and enriched with context so it can be effectively used by AI.

Also Read: IBM Unveils AI-Powered Cybersecurity Assistant for Threats

Here’s how Stellar Cyber uses Multi-Layer AI to speed detection and responses:
Stellar Cyber’s History of AI Innovation

Since its debut at RSAC in 2018, Stellar Cyber’s Open XDR platform has led the way in using AI to simplify and speed cybersecurity detection and response.

Stellar Cyber founder and CTO Aimei Wei recognized at the inception of the company that the essential cybersecurity challenge was having to manually process and interpret terabits of data per day – analysts were so buried in alerts that they couldn’t tell the real ones from the false ones, and it could take months to see and respond to the real threats,” said Steve Garrison, SVP Marketing at Stellar Cyber. “That’s why we baked AI into our SecOps platform from Day One, and why we are continuing to leverage it in all forms as we move forward.”

Source: Businesswire

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