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LogRhythm’s Machine Data Intelligence Fabric Empowers AI-Ready Organizations to Enter the Modern Era with Confidence


LogRhythm, the company helping security teams stop breaches by turning disconnected data and signals into trustworthy insights, announced its 9th consecutive quarterly release. In the AI-ready world, LogRhythm empowers security teams with the highest integrity data in the security industry to enhance the output of the AI tools used to defend organizations from cyberthreats. Coupled with this quarter’s simplified data retention, LogRhythm’s enhancements boost analyst efficiency and simplify compliance with industry standards and regulations.

“At LogRhythm, our relentless focus on customer satisfaction drives us to continuously innovate and deliver solutions that meet our clients’ evolving needs. Our 9th consecutive quarterly release reinforces our commitment to delivering powerful, intuitive tools that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of security teams worldwide,” said Chris O’Malley, CEO of LogRhythm. “We are proud to provide our customers with the cleanest, most reliable data possible to empower them to move into AI-driven security strategies with confidence.”

AI models operate at the potential of the data it receives. Today, too many vendors boast about leveraging AI, but neglect a critical factor in AI-efficacy: data quality. Staying ahead of threats isn’t just about having advanced technology – it’s about having data you can trust.

This quarter, LogRhythm is highlighting its state-of-the-art Machine Data Intelligence (MDI) Fabric for the AI-ready Security Operations Center (SOC). MDI Fabric collects and organizes diverse, disparate log sources and parses them into structured, searchable datasets. For over 20 years, LogRhythm’s MDI Fabric has undergone rigorous fine-tuning and continuous improvement to create unmatched accuracy and reliability of the data ingested. The battle-tested data powers more precise search, analytics, and investigation capabilities. Analysts gain unprecedented efficiency and precision in ensuring their security data is accurate, allowing them to focus on the work that matters most.

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“Our latest enhancements are designed to drive analyst efficiency and augment the capabilities of security teams,” said Andrew Hollister, CISO at LogRhythm. “By simplifying tasks like compliance reporting and enabling more precise investigations, we’re empowering security teams to adapt to changing threats and requirements while maintaining peak operational effectiveness in the modern era of AI-adoption.”

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“Our partnership with LogRhythm has been instrumental in staying ahead of the curve in today’s threat landscape. As a leading network solutions provider, we know firsthand that all technology strategies, including using AI and ensuring a secure network perimeter, rely on having accurate data. The regular quarterly updates from LogRhythm mean that we always have access to the latest innovations and updates to not only maintain but also improve our security posture,” said Phil Swain, CISO and Vice President of Information Security, Extreme Networks.

“The JSON Policy Builder and Lumberjack JSON Listener allow us to collect and normalize emerging log sources much faster and easier than we could before, giving NDM’s SOC more time to focus on detection rather than collection,” said Dallas Hammer, CISSP, CISO at NDM Technologies.

Source: Businesswire

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