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Virtualitics Joins Databricks as a Technology Partner to Empower AI Data-Driven Insights and Analytics


Virtualitics, Inc., an artificial intelligence and data exploration company, announced its partnership with Databricks, a Data Lakehouse Architecture and AI company. As a Databricks Technology Partner, Virtualitics will enable Databricks customers to unlock the full potential of their data with AI-powered exploration and gain valuable insights to drive business success.

With the exponential growth of data and the need to conduct increasingly complex analytics, organizations are seeking innovative solutions to extract actionable intelligence from their data. The Virtualitics AI Platform uses Intelligent Exploration—AI-powered analytics coupled with immersive data visualizations—to enable users to intuitively explore and understand complex datasets, transforming raw data into meaningful insights.

As a Databricks Technology Partner, Databricks allows users to access the Virtualitics AI Platform and begin exploring their data through a reliable and secure connection to Databricks’ Lakehouse Platform.

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“In today’s data-driven world, organizations have invested significantly in collecting, organizing, and managing their data within the Databricks Lake House,” said Michael Amori, CEO and co-founder of Virtualitics. “However, the true challenge lies in making sense of this wealth of information and extracting actionable insight. Intelligent Exploration is the key that unlocks the untapped potential within these vast data lakes.”

Virtualitics’ partnership with Databricks equips analysts with advanced data science techniques to quickly reveal valuable data connections and hidden insights, uncovering new opportunities and deeper business understanding.

Joint customers can easily analyze and understand complex data in the cloud, including:

SOURCE: PRNewswire

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