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Rewst Extends Open, Vendor-Agnostic Vision with Expanded Integration Library and Custom Integration Builder


Rewst, the only Automation Platform purpose-built for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), unveiled a series of pre-built integrations and a new Custom Integrations feature. With these capabilities, MSPs can easily connect and automate even more tools in their stack, driving greater efficiency, consistency, and profitability across their business. Rewst made the announcement at FLOW, the vendor-agnostic automation conference it’s hosting this week in Tampa, FL.

Unlocking the full potential of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) hinges on a platform’s ability to integrate seamlessly with an MSP’s stack, regardless of which vendors or tools they use. That’s why Rewst has taken an open, vendor-agnostic approach since its inception, offering MSPs the flexibility to support best-of-breed environments and automate full processes across their tools.

An expanded library of pre-built integrations with popular MSP tools

A key element of Rewst’s vision is offering the broadest library of pre-built integrations with common MSP tools. The platform includes more than 50 pre-built integrations, and new integrations are added regularly based on MSP feedback. Rewst maintains these integrations over time, allowing MSPs to focus on building value-adding automations versus trying to keep up with an ever-changing array of APIs, actions, and endpoints across their tools.

The following pre-built integrations are now available or will be released in the coming weeks:

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Custom Integrations: integrate Rewst workflows with any service that exposes an API

For tools where Rewst doesn’t offer a pre-built integration, MSPs have always had the option to build their custom integration in the platform. Rewst’s new Custom Integrations capabilities make it even easier for MSPs to integrate their workflows with any service that exposes an API, enhancing automation and efficiency within their operations.

Users can now drag and drop the Swagger or OpenAPI documentation for a published API to instantly generate actions that they can use in Rewst workflows without manual coding. For legacy APIs, MSPs have the option to build custom integrations from scratch, defining the authentication, pagination, and actions themselves.

Additional Custom Integrations features include:

“When it comes to their tools, MSPs value freedom of choice, but not at the expense of interoperability,” said Aharon Chernin, Founder and CEO of Rewst. “That’s why Rewst has taken an open, vendor-agnostic approach from day one and why we’re empowering MSPs to connect and automate even more tools in their stack. I encourage MSPs to engage the vendor ecosystem at FLOW about getting more value from their tools through cross-platform automation.”

Source: PRNewswire

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