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M-Files Launches Knowledge Work Automation Toolkit


New Digital Maturity Assessment Tool Helps Organizations Understand Their Digital Transformation Maturity Level and Unlock the Power of Knowledge Work Automation

M-Files, the leader in knowledge work automation, unveiled the M-Files Knowledge Work Automation Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and introduced a toolkit to help organizations assess where they are in their digital transformation journey for content and information management. The toolkit, which helps companies create a roadmap for a best-in-class digitalization strategy utilizing automation, includes:

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“Knowledge work is entering a new era and to succeed, companies need to improve their maturity and automate mundane administrative tasks within their organization. To accomplish this, they must first understand where their organization sits across several focus areas and address the fundamentals to truly unlock the power of GenAI,” said Antti Nivala, founder and CEO, M-Files. “The M-Files Knowledge Work Automation CMM and Digital Maturity Assessment Tool provide organizations with a comprehensive understanding of where they fall in their digital transformation journey for content and information management. This allows them to establish a best-in-class strategy to enable employees to work smarter through automation and generative AI.”

According to the Forrester study, “The volume of information makes it impossible to scale modern work without increasing the reliance on automation and exploring where AI can provide relief from repetitive work.”

“Companies that get knowledge work automation right are expected to outperform those that don’t with increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and competitive differentiation. Companies looking to increase the maturity of their information and their content management approaches are moving toward automating increasingly complex activities,” according to the Forrester study. “Knowledge work automation is the future of employee efficiency. The most mature companies are seeing benefits of increasing their implementation of automation for advanced tasks.”

Source: Businesswire

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