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SEALSQ Launches AI Revolution for AIoT Strategy


SEALSQ Corp, a company that focuses on developing and selling Semiconductors, PKI and Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products, announces its bold entry into the AI chip market, underscored by its visionary AIoT (Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things) strategy, which seamlessly merges the power of AI with the expansive potential of IoT technologies. This move positions SEALSQ at the cutting edge of technological innovation, where the convergence of AI and IoT is set to drive digital transformation and reshape industries.

While IoT has been around for several years, recent technological advances, including better connectivity, cloud computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, related analytics, and low-cost sensors, have significantly accelerated its adoption. However, with the surge in data volumes, challenges have arisen in absorbing, interpreting, and making informed decisions from this data. AI enables technical systems to perceive their environment, solve problems, and act to achieve specific goals. Essentially, AI allows machines to understand existing scenarios, address issues, and implement solutions autonomously.

The core of SEALSQ’s AIoT strategy is the integration of advanced semiconductors, smart sensors, AI technologies, and a comprehensive data cloud. This fusion creates a holistic platform designed to not only foster innovation but also ensure the success and efficiency of digital transformation initiatives for its customers. AIoT acts as the brain that powers the nervous system of the network of IoT objects operating within the SEALSQ Ecosystem, which currently secures over 1.6 billion IoT devices secured with SEALSQ VaultIC. With the introduction of 5G, this ecosystem is poised for even more rapid growth, as 5G will enable the connection of every object, person, and machine. AIoT will embed AI into the core infrastructure components of the ecosystem, including Root of Trust, semiconductors, and edge computing. Specialized APIs provide interoperability between components at the device, software, and platform levels, optimizing system and network operations.

SEALSQ’s vision extends far beyond the current capabilities of AIoT. Our Moonshot Development Plan is set to revolutionize AI’s power and capabilities by integrating cutting-edge, comprehensive post-quantum chips into mainstream computing, AI research, and everyday technologies by 2028. This strategic initiative isn’t just about maximizing AI efficiency—it’s about ensuring ultra-security in a post-quantum era.



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Monitoring & Evolution

By 2028, SEALSQ’s moonshot vision is to create a world where AI, powered by quantum technology, is exponentially more efficient, secure, and integrated into every aspect of our lives. Through our unwavering commitment to innovation and collaboration, we aim to make this vision a reality. As quantum computing ushers in a new era of technological evolution, SEALSQ will be at the helm, guiding the integration of AI, IoT, and quantum technologies to redefine what is possible in our connected world.

The future is bright, connected, intelligent, and quantum-powered. SEALSQ is not just keeping pace with these changes; we are leading the charge, setting new standards, and shaping the future of technology.

Data processed through AIoT is collected and made accessible, allowing customers to extract value, enhance market intelligence, and deepen their knowledge base. This system also enables secure automation of actions and business decisions based on real-time data, allowing IoT to operate independently with minimal human support—unlike the current market, which often requires predefined coding of all actions.

A key advantage of AI in this context is its ability to enable IoT devices to learn from their environment and make decisions autonomously, without the need for human intervention. This capability significantly automates processes, improves efficiency, and enhances operational outcomes. For instance, AI algorithms and predictive maintenance implemented through AIoT enable IoT devices to dynamically determine actions, self-program based on analytics and customer-defined knowledge, and reduce operating and maintenance costs for providers. AI can also predict machine failures, enabling proactive maintenance actions, thereby reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of critical equipment.

Generative AI technology, another essential element of SEALSQ‘s strategy, further enhances the ecosystem’s learning capabilities, allowing autonomous IoT devices to operate with unprecedented precision. Whether navigating complex environments like self-driving cars or personalizing user experiences in smart homes, Generative AI optimizes functionality and adaptability. The market for AI in cybersecurity is intricately linked with IoT, encompassing applications such as fraud detection and network security. By integrating AI, these systems are able to recognize potential threats more effectively, enhancing overall security and resilience.

Looking toward the future, the growth of IoT is undeniable. According to the IoT Analytics “State of IoT—Spring 2023” report, “The number of global IoT connections grew by 18% in 2022 to 14.3 billion active IoT endpoints.” This trend is expected to continue, with forecasts predicting around 29 billion IoT connections by 2027. The combination of AI and IoT offers a powerful synergy—while IoT enables devices to communicate over the internet, AI empowers these devices to learn from their data and experiences. Many businesses have already begun incorporating AI and IoT into their processes and products, recognizing the transformative potential of this dynamic duo.

Source: PRNewswire

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